Kids Corp conducted a survey on how the return to school period affects the dynamics of Brazilian families, demonstrating the direct relationship between consumer items, children and teenagers. The period, which occurs during the month of February, is when the consumption of products and services related to children and teenagers intensifies.
The study “Back to School: Analyzing the return to school through school supplies, snack consumption habits and influence at home” was carried out throughout 2024 with 5,750 children and young people aged 3 to 17, and 1,320 fathers and mothers with children aged between 3 and 17, belonging to classes A, B and C+, in a sample with national representation.
“Back to School” Mapping
Artistic activities are part of their routines:
YouTube, video games, streaming platforms, social media and even playing with toys are activities that stand out among the hobbies of children and teenagers. However, the younger they are, the more connected they are to activities that involve “pen and paper”, that is, those that stimulate imagination and creativity.
Favorite subjects and snack preparation:
The favorite subjects of children and young people are mathematics (20% of mentions), followed by physical education (16%), arts (13%), computer science (9%), English (8%), history (6%), natural sciences (5%), geography (4%), music (3%) and social sciences (2%). Miscellaneous mentions of other subjects totaled 4%.
Lunchbox planning is much more common among younger children (between 3 and 12 years old, 78% take their entire meal from home) while 22% of teenagers (13 to 18 years old) buy part or all of their meal on the way.
Autonomy and spending your own money:
57% of respondents indicate that, when they want something, they receive money from their parents or guardians, while 24% (teenagers) indicate that they have an allowance, and 19% claim to enjoy both types of subsidy.
According to the survey, independence is reflected in the consumption of items that they buy on their own, with 13% saying they spend their money on school supplies – the biggest enthusiasts of these items are children between 6 and 12 years old, with 17% of the incidence. On the other hand, 46% of parents bought some school supplies or stationery for their child, with 69% of purchases being made offline .
School products made with film, series and cartoon licenses become more attractive, especially film products (for children aged 6 to 12) and series products (for teenagers aged 13 to 18).
Relationship with gadgets:
Kids Corp's mapping data corroborates the close relationship that children and teenagers have with various gadgets, with the smartphone being by far the most used (83%) and owned (71%) device, followed by the SmartTV (used by 69% and owned by 34%), headphones (32% and 24% respectively), office computer (used by 32% and owned by 12%) and the video game console (22% and 14% respectively).
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